Thursday, 20 February 2014

Taking Back My Joy

  All of us have a daily routine—a series of chores, errands, and tasks that demand our attention. To add to that pressure, we’re supposed to tack God onto an already over crowed schedule.
I admit it. Sometimes my feet are already running before they hit the floor in the morning. It’s difficult to find time to “be still” before God. I’ve discovered when I don’t take time to seek God’s presence and strength for the day, I become weak, anxious, and deplete of joy. When I allow my sense of awe and wonder drain away, I lose the value of who God is—my helper, provider, counselor, peace, and my source of joy.
Jesus realized our preoccupation with daily duties would cause us to worry about these things instead of live in the care of God. Jesus said, “Do not worry about your life, what your will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?” (Matt 6:25).
When I read these words I wonder, how can I live this life without worrying about the daily grind that takes time and attention to maintain?
I long for peace and joy in my life. It would be awesome not to worry about the basics by trusting in God’s care. But how?
You and I have to turn our attention to God. When we sit and mediate on the wonder of our great God, we experience a sense of love, peace and joy. We become certain that God knows right where we are. He hasn’t forgotten me. He is more than able to care for my needs.
When you and I began to see God in everything, joy fills our hearts. God is everywhere. He is with you and for you right now.
If life’s routines are wearing you down and stealing your peace and joy, take time to seek our God’s love, goodness and majesty that is revealed in creation. Let your joy be renewed in who God is—and who you are to Him. Then, you’ll find His strength, purpose and provision even in your most difficult moment.
Verse to mediate on: “Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me” (John 14:1).
Truth to hide in your heart:
Turn your eyes on God who is willing to release us of our burdens and our cares—those things that weigh heavy on our hearts— and take them on himself.  That’s why he invites, come to me all you who are weary—from trying to please everybody, from trying to belong and fit in, from seeking security in material things, your job, or position or popularity—come and I will give you rest.

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